So far, no publications have been found for Andrea Quattrini (as cross-checked throughout PubMed, counted from 2020, including only Ticino affiliations) (searched as author)
no results

is currently collaborating with
Istituto sistemi informativi e networking (Rif. ISIN)
Polo universitario Lugano - Campus Est USI-SUPSI Via la Santa 1
6962 Viganello
Andrea Quattrini
on behalf of
Istituto sistemi informativi e networking SUPSI (Rif. ISIN)
is currently participating in the Research Group
Video processing and computer vision
as Group Leader [Rif. 55110]
on behalf of
Istituto sistemi informativi e networking SUPSI (Rif. ISIN)
is currently participating in the Research Group
Video processing and computer vision
as Group Leader [Rif. 55110]